West Virginia Hunter Education Association
2018 Junior Moore
Junior Moore, of Meadowbrook was nominated for his versatility and ability to step-up for what is needed as an instructor. Junior has been teaching for 23 years, with over 700 instructional hours. He became a team leader by stepping-up and taking over classes for George Skinner in Harrison County; and has taught in 8 counties in all. He was recognized by the WVHEA and DNR as District 1 Instructor of the Year in 2001, and again in 2006. Junior takes delight in the Hunting Heritage by encouraging new as well as young hunters. He has taught classes for the handicapped, as well as working with disabled hunters for the Physically Challenged Deer Hunt at Snowshoe. He has worked with the NWTF’s JAKES Day program and also worked with Boy Scouts. Junior is also very active with other organizations; NWTF, RMEF, NRA and Wildlife Forever.
· United States Navy Veteran· American Legion· Life member DAV (Disabled American Veterans)· Helped to re-introduce Elk to West Virginia (Darting Elk for the WVDNR)· North Central Mountaineer Chapter/NWTF committee and ticket chairman· Member Duck’s Unlimited· Patriot Benefactor Life member NRA· Working w/Kids for NWTF & RMEF, teaching gun safety, muzzleloaders, .22 caliber and archery shoots, throwing tomahawks and knives; as well as cooking in the outdoors· Helped at NWTF’s Women in the Outdoors events as range safety officer· Served as Vice-president and Board member for WVHEA, two years· WVHEA Life member
· United States Navy Veteran· American Legion· Life member DAV (Disabled American Veterans)· Helped to re-introduce Elk to West Virginia (Darting Elk for the WVDNR)· North Central Mountaineer Chapter/NWTF committee and ticket chairman· Member Duck’s Unlimited· Patriot Benefactor Life member NRA· Working w/Kids for NWTF & RMEF, teaching gun safety, muzzleloaders, .22 caliber and archery shoots, throwing tomahawks and knives; as well as cooking in the outdoors· Helped at NWTF’s Women in the Outdoors events as range safety officer· Served as Vice-president and Board member for WVHEA, two years· WVHEA Life member