West Virginia Hunter Education Association
2024 Thomas Moran
Thomas Moran was nominated to the West Virginia Hunter Education Hall Of Fame for over 34 years of service as a Volunteer Hunter Education Instructor. He started his career in 1990, teaching the program in Clay, as well as Upshur County. As lead instructor for many years, he taught with dedication to the program. He has touched countless lives to be safe in the outdoors. Working from home in Kanawha Mining, he taught for three years in Clay Co. until his job was shut down only to return home to Buchannon, teaching in Upshur County till the present. He started hunting, fishing and trapping at age 15 developing a love for the outdoors that would lead him to be an instructor for many years helping to make the woods and waters safer for countless outdoorsmen and women. Married for 52 years, has 3 children and 3 grandchildren living on his wife’s family farm as the 5th generation, enjoying a true West Virgina country life gardening and farming Polled Hereford cattle. His commitment to Hunter Education had him join the West Virginia Hunter Education Association. Some of his other pursuits and involvements are as follows:
• National Trappers Association • WV Trappers Association • NRA • Convention Director of the WV Trappers Association 1986-1988 • WV Trappers Association “Trapper of the Year” in 1988 • Local 814 AFLCIO Union (30 years) • Has a Welding Business • North Central Labor Council (Retired) • United Mine Workers of America (UMWA) • Upshur County Deputy Reserve (1994-1999) • Business Manager and Executive member at Large for Local 814